Powered by Imba

It's the language of the web. Imba compiles to JS and CSS and gives us numerous advantages with it's feature rich but compact syntax. With Imba you can deliver sleek components with unparalleled interactivity. You never have to tell your boss or client something is impossible. With Imba it's only a few key presses away.

Imba is no slouch on the server either. We run at lightning speed rendering our pages in node.

Beyond that, little birds flock to it and naturally so do we.



With this template we're pushing the limits of what is possible both with Imba and the progressive web. Meltdown renders on the server allowing you to serve up your content dynamically from your CMS(like PocketBase) or other APIs. It helps boost discoverability of your project to crawlers at search engines.

Meltdown is inspired by some famous frameworks like next.js, vike, nuxt, and gastby. The goal is to make the kind of framework we love to use to ship fast in the language we love.